
Chapter 93



” ” Speech,

‘ ‘ Thoughts,



(Pov Cheril)

I love my parents very much even though it’s a hard life outside but they never let me starve. My parent’s surname is Shen, so my name is Shen Cheril.


Both of my parents worked the whole day, leaving me with a kind grandma who was also our neighbour.

I am nine years old, and my parents often said that I was a smart kid so I worked hard to impress them. Sometimes, my parents would explain to me how dangerous the outside world is so I should never leave alone to play outside and remain with the kind grandma.

They said there are bad ugly monsters who would eat people for food and even some bad uncle who would kidnap you if you met them alone.

I always make sure to remember my parent’s warnings and never leave the kind grandma’s side. I would also try to help the kind grandma who often takes care of me. I liked the beautiful flowers so whenever I get the chance I would water my flower pots with great care, hoping for them to bloom soon.

I learned after hearing from grandma that the world wasn’t always like this, the environment was fresh and the soil wasn’t so bad. Grandma said she was very good at gardening and liked to plant vegetables.

I said why she is not doing it now, she replied that she is not young anymore and can’t move her body well. I wanted to help her do the planting so I asked the grandma to teach me how to rear tasty vegetables.

In the evening, I would tell my parents what I learned from grandma and say that when I grew up I would take care of them so they wouldn’t have to go out to work in the future.

Every day my parents come home with tired expressions on their faces, even though I asked many times but they never tell me anything and said I was still not big enough to know or care about those things.

Just like usual today, they came back home but they frantically started packing things up and told me to tell the grandma in our neighbourhood to pack her stuff.

I asked what happened, they didn’t explain much, only said that the big ugly monsters are attacking the nearby city where we live and most likely, our city would be their next target.

I felt scared remembering that the big ugly monsters would eat us if they caught us. For the first time, I saw a crowd of people gathered together in the exit area of the city. As father said, all of them are afraid of being beaten by big ugly monsters so they are running away from here.

My father carried me in the back and held my mother’s hand and then he led us with the crowd of people who knows where. But I was curious to know how can everyone be afraid of big ugly monsters and not fight with them.

Until I witnessed the destruction caused by those ugly monsters who tore apart big houses like they were made of foam or something and ate them whole.

I was shaken to my core witnessing everything from a great distance away from them, but they still caught up to us and father got injured saving us which led him to be squashed to death by the fat ugly monsters.

I didn’t register everything that happened with us and I just clung into my mother’s embrace who was wrapping me up and shielding me with her body.

Before those ugly monsters ate us along with many others from the same city, a large number of people came and started to destroy those monsters. I along with everyone thought that we were saved from the disaster but later we got captured by those same uncles who saved us.

I steeled my heart and tried to be brave so I didn’t cry out, even when I felt my body shaking from the malicious gazes of weirded bad uncles.

I never left my mother’s hand for a second for fear that I might lose her too. We were led to a base which looked like it was abandoned not long ago and then they put us into the cells which I often heard from grandma’s stories.

There were more people that I noticed along the way, who were kept captive just like us. So I thought these uncles are the bad guys which my mother warned me about.

We are here for a few days, with dark damp cells and one meal a day. I never felt chill before or what it feels like to be hungry but here I experience everything. Even when my stomach hurts or my head buzzes, I keep enduring it and don’t tell or show it to my mother for fear of causing more distress to her as she already does.

I feel hurt inside me seeing mother becoming skinny daily and dark circles under her eyes, the worry on her face.

Today, coincidently I noticed a hidden spot from where a narrow escape route is but those bad uncles always kept watch over us and never left us alone so I wasn’t able to confirm it.

I used my brain and concluded that if I want to save my mother from these bad uncles then I need to escape from there and hope that I find someone to save my mother.

I observed the situation on the base and noticed that today the uncles were acting weird and nobody was paying attention towards us so taking advantage of the situation I made my escape using the hidden route without telling mother about it as I was sure that she wouldn’t allow me to take such a big risk.

I successfully escaped from there but didn’t know where to go after escaping. I had no idea which direction to follow and where I could find a good uncle to save my mother.

Even so, keeping the worry in my heart and nervousness, I took a random direction and ran from there with hope in my eyes.

(Pov End)




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