
Chapter 595: System Correction

After farming for an hour, Lu Li wasn’t summoning as many monsters as he was before.

"There are fewer monsters; some of my skills are hitting the ground. What a waste." Sakura Memories was a levelling maniac and hated it when things were inefficient.

"Get a few more." Lonesome Flower wasn’t a talkative person, but his sister, March Rain, was about to level up. How could there not be any more monsters at this moment?

"I’m worried that the bug will be discovered. If I pull too many monsters, we might get wiped." Lu Li had some understanding of how bugs were resolved by the System. If it was quick, it could be done in two hours, otherwise, it wouldn’t be much longer than three hours.

Since they were at the top of the level rankings, their rapid increase in EXP was especially bound to cause the System to check.

It wasn’t the patching of the bug that Lu Li was worried about. Once the System patched the bug, they could find themselves face to face with hundreds of attacks from these Zombies. They would definitely be wiped if that happened.

"What are you scared of? If we die, then we die. We’re in an Instance Dungeon; we can’t lose EXP," Azure Sea Breeze cried out.

The EXP was the most important thing; the death itself didn’t matter much.

"Fine then. Don’t complain if something happens later." Lu Li didn’t mind too much and continued on. He was the most likely to escape anyway as he was a Thief.

With this bug, spawning more monsters was a simple thing. He just needed to step onto the graves.

There was one thing that Lu Li needed to be aware when moving quickly. He had to avoid colliding with the Zul’Farrak Zombies so that they wouldn’t attack him.

As Lu Li had expected, 2 hours and 27 minutes after they began exploiting the bug, the zombies who had been ignoring Lu Li and scratching the walls completely changed their behavior.

A couple of them started running towards Lu Li and the others crammed into the wall.

"Ah, ah, ah!" There was endless squealing coming from Remnant Dream and Hachi Chan.

Lu Li simply couldn’t attend to his teammates who were trapped in the wall. He jumped forwards with his shoes’ special effect before using Gale Steps to disappear from sight.

The zombies that now weren’t targeting Lu Li turned around to further gang up on the unlucky ones trapped in the crack.

"Like fish in a barrel." Lu Li shook his head sadly. His teammates were caught in a predicament that he had predicted.

"Lu Li, come and fight them. We still have a chance." No one wanted to die and the players within the crack were no exception. Although they had been screwed by the System, only one or two monsters could get inside the crack at a time.

"Don’t waste your time. Die quickly; the voodoo debuff stacks," Lu Li said, sensibly explaining why he wasn’t helping.

"You stubborn old man..."

After a while, everyone had been revived and were sitting outside the cemetery. They were sitting on the ground and eating bread to regenerate the last bit of HP.

"What do we do now, can we not use the bug anymore?" Azure Sea Breeze was pouting, still in denial.

"Yeah, the System isn’t dumb. If we do the same thing again, we’ll definitely die," Lu Li said calmly.

This kind of shortcut could be taken occasionally, but it was impossible to truly stand out with exploits like these. The best way was still to put in effort.

"In two and a half hours, we got EXP that would normally take more than 2 days to farm. I’m happy." Sakura Memories was satisfied; she was an independent and confident woman.

"I’ll use my bow and arrows to pull the monsters, Breezy, you can tank it." Lu Li saw that everyone had almost finished regenerating. He shot at a Zul’Farrak Zombie that was wandering around and three of them immediately came towards them.

The Zombies that had been summoned hadn’t disappeared. If they wanted to fight the Boss, they needed to slowly clear them out.

There were still a few untouched graves as well. Azure Sea Breeze stepped on two of them each time, which summoned three to four monsters. This was an easy amount for them to deal with. Soon, they had cleared out the entire graveyard.

If they were a stronger team, they wouldn’t actually need to clear out these tombs.

Later on, Zum’rah would summon waves of these monsters, but a strong team could just quickly clear out the Boss’ minions all at once.

"How dare you invade my territory?! The desert will devour you!" After everyone walked into the building that Zum’rah was located in, he instantly locked onto them as he had been unable to locate the thief.

"Hey, we only just met and you’re attacking us?" Azure Sea Breeze was quite surprised.

Zum’rah wasn’t particularly intelligent. He kept using Shadow Bolt to attack Azure Sea Breeze.

As for his stolen items, that had long since become insignificant to him. He had completely forgotten about the thief.

In addition to Shadow Bolt, he could also use Shadow Bolt Rain which was an area-of-effect skill. It dealt damage to everyone and was quite a strong skill for a Boss.

Unfortunately, he didn’t drop a Shadow Bolt Rain Skill book. Lu Li hadn’t heard of this skill book before either.

Additionally, he also relied on the Ward of Zum’rah, which was similar to a totem and had the effect of a portal. A steady stream of skeletons came out from it. They were called Zum’rah Skeletons and they were Zum’rah’s guardians.

They had low HP, low defense and low attack, but they could add voodoo stacks onto the players. In order to distinguish these voodoo stacks from the Zul’Farrak Zombies’, the former was called green poison, while the latter was called red poison.

Green poison reduced defense, while the red poison reduced HP.

The individual poisons weren’t fatal – it was only until the red and green poisons came together that it would deal damage. In this case where their team wasn’t strong enough to clear these small monsters all at once, Lu Li chose to completely clear out the Zul’Farrak Zombies first.

The Ward of Zum’rah lasted a long time. It was invincible for the first three seconds, during which it produced three waves of monsters. Later on, it could be destroyed just like a normal totem.

Lu Li would destroy it as quickly as he could each time it was placed.

Overall, Zum’rah wasn’t a difficult Boss, but they also needed to be careful for his Polymorph. This wasn’t like the Mage skill which would turn you into a sheep. Instead, he would turn a player into a frog, reducing their defense by half.

Although this didn’t mean they would instantly be killed, it would usually result in a lot of damage taken.

During this time, they would need a Priest or Druid’s help to remove the curse. However, by learning some simple strategies and following Lu Li’s commands, there were almost no mistakes made as the Boss’ HP was emptied.

No one was awarded with any Skill Points, but they did receive quite a bit of EXP. After all, it was a level 40 Boss.

From start to finish, Zum’rah took about 3 hours. Two and a half hours at the start were used to exploit the bug, while the real fighting time was about 20 minutes.

Now that Zul’Farrak’s third Boss had fallen, all that was left to do was loot the body for items.

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