
Chapter 866 866 Five Siblings

Chapter 866 Chapter 866 Five Siblings

"I have always believed in you, sister." Yuuka replied with a small smile on her thin malnourished face.

After that, her head leaned deeper unto the hard bed as if someone wanting to sleep now.

"Yuuka? Take to me more please. Stay awake." The little girl on our bored gamer\'s arms struggled to get free and the latter has of course helped her to fulfill it.

"Yuuka. Yuuka.. Yuuka..." The little girl called time and time again but she got no response whatsoever.

She had seen this happen to many of the people around them and more often than not, they would never wake up again or open their eyes.

This was the reason why the little girl chose to lie in the first place.

Even though she had to real assurance that she would get food from the new person she just met, she still wanted to give her sister hope in order to live for her more than anything else in the world.

This little girl did not want to be alone in this dark cruel world. This time around, the little girl was not successful in holding her tears back anymore.

It did not need telling that she feared for the worst at this time.

"Let your sister get some rest, child. She won\'t leave you just yet. She\'s just tired." Our bored gamer offered to the softly crying little girl.

"THUD!" The little girl looked back and without ado, prostrated in place. She had nothing else to give but this most lowest form she could muster.

"Please save my sister, mister! I\'ll do anything you want in return. I may be small but i could serve you with all my body, heart, and soul." The little girl pledged.

She had seen the men in this place and there was no goodness left in them. Everyone in here was living to survive on a day to day basis.

In this kind of scenario, all the good men had already ran away or died trying. Thus, the little girl had given all her hope unto a rare visitor in this wretched camp.

She doubted that she could have another chance if she failed on her gamble today. She could barely walk right now after all.

"You are an amazing little girl. Get up and let me see what i can do." Clark replied and did not promise anything.

Nevertheless, it was obvious that he was going to try his hardest in helping this pair of orphaned sisters.

"DING!" Clark just sat on the dirty floors thereafter.

There was no floor to be exact but only a great collection of mismatched leaves that provided major comfort against the coldness of the earth beneath it.

\'Hmmm... Since those ninjas could conjure and command the myriad elemental forces of nature, this world must be rich in spiritual energy.

All i need to do now is learn how to harness such rampant power and tame it to my will.\' Clark began musing on what he wanted to achieve.

Although he had become a prodigy because of his vast experience but it was of course impossible to do this earlier.

Especially not when he was still running for dear life for almost 3 days straight.

With his innate perk of Infinite Stamina, he believed that there were more benefits from it than merely having no need for any sleep or food.

\'Let me start then.\' Our bored gamer sat in a lotus position and studied the mysteries of the world for the first time.

He did not even have to take his 10th breath before a sudden change has befallen upon his form.

"WHOOSH!" The first element that has awaken was the fiery touch of fire. It took the color of red that has created a burning man persona unto our very own protagonist.

The bloody films were chaotic at first as they formed uneven tendrils upon Clark\'s every inch of skin but a half breath was all it took before they settled down permanently in place.

Then came the water element which came on its bluish splendor. No disturbance could be seen in this element or its succeeding siblings of the force.

Wind followed in a sage green guise, Earth in immovable brown, and finally lightning as a vibrant yellow.

These five elements combined in order to fashion a dazzling glow upon the static form of our very own protagonist. Still, Clark was not satisfied with his current harvest.

He could feel that there were still many elements left to be uncovered.

There was no doubt that he anticipating to learn chaos, gravity, space, etc. so he did not stop in his quest for further enlightenment. The quest has taken him 3 long hours to be exact.

It was also in that time frame that he concluded his search.

"DING!" Clark opened his eyes and the 5 different colors bled from them as if announcing the birth of an immortal. The little girl that has yet to be named witnessed it all in silent shock.

She was wise enough to avoid making any sounds in the duration on these 3 hours.


"The rest of the elements would take me more time to master them." Our avid gamer shook his head as he stated these words. He could feel that he needed days to control and not hours.

It was time he did not have since he still wanted to save a dying girl today.

"Hmmm... But there\'s no rush at all. I\'m here to stay for a long long time." Clark smiled darkly at the thought.

"Are you a nin...ja, mister?" The little girl hesitated in asking. She had heard bad rumors about ninjas and their cruel ways that made her tremble in fear on the spot.

In fact, her parents were killed by no other than ninjas or so the people around her said.

"Are you going to kill me and my sister too? Like what you ninjas did to my mother and father?" The little girl bit her lips to avoid from crying loudly.

Nonetheless, she had no more tears to offer. She was all dried up physically and emotionally.

"No. Both of you are going to live for a long long time." Clark answered and he did not know whether his words were a blessing or a curse.

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