
Chapter 212 212 Catch a Fish!

Chapter 212 Chapter 212 Catch a Fish!

The reunion was heartbreaking to say the least. Our bored gamer cried his heart out to the wonder of his mom and the rest of his family. He believed that a real man can also cry.

At least Clark was not made of stone yet to not feel anything else but pain in his heart.

Perhaps after all the torture that he went through within his psyche during the countless Soul Fragment process, our good gamer has seen fit to finally let go of everything. Just this one time.

"What\'s happening with you all of a sudden, Clark? Did someone bully you in school or something? Tell me and I\'ll show you how I sue their asses into bankruptcy!"

Clark\'s mother exclaimed in panic. Her name was Michelle Colter and was a lawyer by profession.

"No one bullied me, mom. I\'m just happy to see you. That\'s all." Our good gamer smiled while still hugging the woman that had given him life in the first place.

Her smell was familiar and comfy. It was the smell of home that he has missed for such a long long time.

It did not need telling that our bored gamer was indeed spoiled rotten by the one and only Mrs. Colter of the house.

"Can\'t this wait some other time, son?" A soft spoken man asked inside the room.

Clark and his mom were currently standing just by the door and at this witching hour of the night, it appeared that our very own protagonist may have disturbed a pretty exciting moment in his haste to see his mom.

Alas, Clark did not regret anything at all. He merely smiled at his 40 year old dad and said...

"Okay, dad. I\'m gone. Take your time you two. Hehehe." Clark teased and kissed his mom goodbye. He realized that there were more appropriate times to live this life to the fullest.

Clark vowed that he would cherish his family for one lifetime and more. Within moments, he was hopping and whistling a happy tune down the halls.

He only took a few minutes before he returned to whence he came. A room where trash and stink was everywhere. This has been his life before.

He was a self proclaimed otaku and pretty much proud of his accomplishment. He did not have any interest towards girls before simply because they were too easy to get at the time.

Clark did not even have to walk far into school and he would have many many girls wanting to chat him up. This was one of the perks of being rich of course.


"I should get my room cleaned up already." Clark said and began doing a complete makeover of his room. It took him approximately 30 minutes to finish.

"Hmmm... Being human and normal sure is tiring indeed." Our bored gamer wiped the sweat off of his face but his complaints did not erase the joy in his heart right now.

He even survived the innumerable myriad torments that can be imagined. A little physical labor was a paltry comparison to what our protagonist has experienced in his time already.

"I wonder when my big brother will come home." Clark rubbed his chin as he mused.

It was presently Christmas Break and it was expected for their family to get together in this auspicious time.

He got a kid brother and little sister still in high school while Clark and his older brother named John Colter were already in college.

"I guess i\'ll know about it soon enough." Our bored gamer smiled and laid on his bed to sleep.

His other body that has already reached the True Immortal Realm was already back in the xianxia world to cultivate anew.

Having 2 consciousness at the same time was certainly very strange.

Clark could feel and command his two physiques and psyche simultaneously which was very unnerving indeed as both had different experiences from one another in real time.

Our good gamer contemplated more about this in some ten minutes or so before he finally got tired from this ordeal.

"Time to get me some good night sleep after a long long time of never sleeping at all." Clark yawned and closed his eyes. Alas, the night has just started for him.

"BANG!" A great collision of forces rocked the whole world awake. A vision of a giant fist could be seen looming in the skies.

This has truly brought forth an entire meaning to the phrase first contact with the other species and the unknown. Everyone trembled at what this meant for humanity!

"BANG!" The gargantuan fist struck once more but same as the last, it merely resulted in a noisy screeching sound. Like metal against metal. A pretty unmistakable sound indeed.


"It\'s an alien attack!"

"Run for your lives!"

"I was right."

"We are truly not alone!" People panicked at this epic clash in the heavens. If they were more attentive, they could have witnessed an equally humongous figure overhead.

It was much more unclear and subtle than the mighty fist in the skies but that did not mean at all that it was not there.

"Thank you, partner. It seems like what I owe to you is getting more and more longer by the second." Clark could only sigh at this point.

He knew that it was his clay brick who protected this world from getting squashed mercilessly into oblivion.

"And the list of your crimes just goes on and on and on. I will make you pay someday, you fucking Elder God!" Our bored gamer said with undying hate in his voice.

* * *

Somewhere in the Divine Realm, Three Elder Gods sat together.

"You should stop, brother. We need another solution than this exercise of futility."

A grave voice said to another.

"I know." Another Elder God responded and it was pretty obvious that he had spent much energy in what he had done.

He did not merely stop by using his fists but used everything in his faculties. Alas, this one failed over and over again.

"I can\'t even destroy a tiny little blue world. How laughable!" This was of course none other than The Elder God of Changes.

"I told you to have a peaceful talk with that boy, Changes. This act has given you nothing but more hate." The Elder God of Order shook his head in dismay.

He knew that Changes could not bow down to a mortal. Just like all of them Elder Gods, his pride would not let him.

"That boat has long sailed, brother. Let it go. I don\'t even want to hear that suggestion again. But thank you all the same." Elder God Changes smiled even amidst this dire situation.

"As you wish, brother." Elder God Order nodded and a deafening silence surrounded the 3 brothers.

"We could always destroy the Mortal Realm." The Elder God of Chaos spoke after a long time.

"No. I won\'t allow it." The Elder God of Order objected.

The pain, hardship and time that the 3 of them had sacrificed in order to create the 2 major realms were unimaginable! He would not easily annihilate the entirety of the Mortal Realm alongside its infinite number of souls. They were all their children. Their masterpiece! Their absolute creation!

"Not even for your own brother?" Chaos asked coldly.

"..." Order sighed and another long silence lapsed amongst them. They did not know how much time they spent in stillness before Order finally spoke once more.

"Do it then." Order let out another sigh and awaited the result of this lunacy. He loved his brothers more than his children of course. They were the original 3 in this dimension after all.

"Thank you, brother." Elder God Changes said in a soft voice and then began to pull out the very foundations that they have molded into being some untold eons in the past.

The Mortal Realm shook and it appeared that it would come to unravel in time.

Alas, the same imaginary clay brick has shown its familiar guise again and that has all stopped whatever destruction was about to take place. Changes tried but was found wanting in the end.

"So what now?" This was the question in each of the Elder God\'s mind but no one had any idea on how to move on from this point onward.

* * *

What happened has not of course escaped the clear sensation brought about by the clay brick inside the body of our bored gamer.

"I tally another offense under your belt. I will not let you die easy when the time comes." Clark murmured in the open air.


"BROTHER!" Two cute voices ran from the house. This was our bored gamer\'s little siblings, Luke and Denise.

The Christmas holidays were already over and it was time for him to go back to school. The break has truly been one of a kind for Clark.

He did not spend it like before when he would only lock himself in his room and play video games all day long.

Our good gamer was much active in gathering his family members to every known neat trick in the book. It did not need saying that this experience had been a blast for him and his family.

At least Clark acted like the pesky brat that just wanted to have fun with them all. Relishing on the times that he had lost and missed greatly in the past.

"What\'s up, guys? I thought you were annoyed by me to death and can\'t wait to see me go already." Clark teased his little brother and sister. Luke was 16 and Denise was 17.

They were both very handsome and beautiful like the rest of his family was. They were indeed blessed in the physical aspect of life.

"We just want to give our birthday presents for, Elder Brother. Here." Luke said and bestowed a nicely wrapped box.

"Just like last year. Don\'t tell, Elder Brother John okay? And make a nicer gift reveal this time, brother. Be more imaginative this time around.

Else, i will tell mom that you\'re only pocketing the money for the birthday surprise all for yourself. Hmmmp!" Denise pouted in place.

Clark could not help but laugh from seeing his siblings. John would have his birthday in a week or so. These young ones always favored their Eldest Brother with a gift.

John was adored by many indeed and rightly deserved to be.

"I will. I will. Don\'t you two worry. This time will be more spectacular than last year. I promise!" Clark vowed and wanted to keep true to his words.

With his other body having a True Immortal cultivation, the world was certainly his oyster at the moment.

\'Hmmm... Taking my women in here would be a very huge mistake. They would only invite more trouble than I would have liked. Tsk. Tsk. They could be considered goddesses in here.\'

Clark thought inside. With a cultivator\'s natural charisma on the mortals, the people on Earth would be enchanted at first sight.

Our bored gamer did not want to appear like a bloodthirsty monster to every boy, man or beast that would fall in lust with his women.

\'I guess it\'s time to find me a girlfriend in this world then. Hmmm... A good plan. A really good plan indeed!\' Our bored gamer smiled at this thought.

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