
Chapter 201 201 Reunion of Guns and Roses

Chapter 201 Chapter 201 Reunion of Guns and Roses

\'It seems like i have to meet some new people soon enough. Tsk. Tsk. How did I ever forget her in the first place? Must be that i\'m showing my real age already.

Or is this a reasonable effect of all the mind suffering I underwent when I broke a piece of my soul to form a Soul Fragment in two consecutive times.

A mental degradation perhaps? Hmmm...\' Clark mused while he was busy walking unto the venue.

He was of course referring to the Primal Warden Lin Che whom he had forgotten in his haste to experiment with his abilities. Alas, there would be a consequence for that.

Clark just knew that it would only complicate his life even more than it already was. In the end, he thought about his fake uncles in the sect and wondered where they were right now.

"Much has changed but much has also remained the same." Our bored gamer concluded when he realized what had happened to the two elders of the Demonic Sword Sect. They were gone.

Not dead yet of course but were already someplace else.

Elders Feng Lin and Feng Ren were not anymore stationed as guards slash Dao Protectors at his residence and it could be seen from this fact alone that much has really changed after one hundred years of separation.

The Demonic Sword Sect ushered into an extreme phase of improvement as they reigned supreme over the heads of more than a hundred thousands sects in this xianxia world.

It did not need saying that the expansion that the Demonic Sword Sect had over the years was absolutely unbelievable.

In fact, this part of the Demonic Sword Sect has now become only a branch of the sect since the main territory of the sect was already centered between the boundary of the Holy Continent and the Primeval Continent where it has the highest concentration of spiritual essence.

"At least inside this relic weapon, the same view continued to be untouched."

Our bored gamer smiled and proceeded to hasten his journey towards the meeting place in Every Drunkard\'s Refuge.

"Welcome, Young Master Clark. I\'m happy to see you again! The rest are already waiting inside. Please follow me."

A beautiful woman greeted our good gamer and this was of course none other than Yi Xinya.

Although she was an undead under Clark\'s control but in front of the eyes of the masses, she never broke her cover and continued to act in the play that she was instructed.

However, the patrons who witnessed such a scene could not help but question the identity of our very own protagonist.

"Look! It\'s Lady Xi! That\'s one of the legendary characters in this place!"

"She has not come out from her closed door cultivation for almost a hundred years already!"

"But how come Lady Xi is personally accommodating that boy?"

"Can someone tell me who that boy is?"

The people around asked but none of them could remember a boy who has only graced the limelight for more than 2 months several decades prior to this very day.

* * *

"CREAK!" The double doors opened up and a flurry of bodies rushed to meet their dearly beloved.

"CLARK!" Wan Fei started the charge.

"Young Master Clark!"

"Young Master Clark!" The sisters Lian Li and Lian Ah followed suit.

"Master Clark!" Old Peng was of course also there.

"Clark." Last was Ning Xi and the rest remained quiet in their seats. Tang Xinyue and Ze Min were there also. Same as Gu Wenren.

But perhaps the most surprising ones were Lin Che and two unknown women who looked at our bored gamer like he was the Devil in the flesh before them.

Luckily enough, everyone knew that this was not the place for violent confrontations and so they sported a facade of civility inside the room.

In the end, only the first three ran to hug the man of their lives and it was quite clear that the relationship was quite deeper than advertised out in the open.

"Well, it\'s a good feeling to be missed."

Clark laughed and embraced the trio of women in his arms. Some kisses were exchanged but only the tame ones and it did not take long for the women to cry in his arms.

"Hey! No crying. This should be a happy event." Our bored gamer tried to diffuse the situation.

"What took you so long? We thought you left us all for good!" Alas, all Clark received in his efforts was a painful accusation on the lips of Wan Fei.

"I was busy cultivating like all of you did. Hush now. We don\'t want our guests to think badly of me. They might think that I bullied the three of you or something. Hehehe."

Clark smiled and looked at his array of good friends. Well, some were enemies but at least they were carrying their best behavior so far.

"O – okay." Wan Fei and the sister maidservants unhooked their arms on our bored gamer as they realized how shameless their actions had truly been.

"I see that you have all been working hard. I\'m so proud of you." Clark commented after he saw the progress in cultivation of his party so far.

Lai Peng was already in the peak of Mortal Shedding Realm and so were the sisters Lian Li and Lian Ah.

Alas, they could only stop here because they have all but reached their max potential already.

\'I need to find a way to make them breakthrough a higher realm. Else they would just end up dying later on. But perhaps not.

I could give them longevity pills for them to practically live forever but i would rather they help me fight than just remain mere pawns in the game for all of their lives.\' Clark considered briefly.

He tried looking at Wan Fei at his side next and approved of her will.

Just as stated in front of the Sword of Destiny, Wan Fei has reached her potential quite easily. She was already in the 2nd Stage of Foundation Establishment Realm.

Wan Fei would get to the peak of this realm someday but just like the rest, she would stay in the Foundation Establishment Realm as the shackles of fate were beyond what our bored gamer could change at the moment.

On a seat nearby, Ning Xi exuded a cultivation of the 10th Stage of Mortal Shedding Realm also.

"This is all because of your kindness, Young Master! We could not have done it without you!" It was Old Peng who answered first.

He had a face full of gratitude right now and it was easy to see that he has indeed reaped a lot from the experience.

More so because of the reason why his days have been so fulfilling over the years.

"So you found yourself a wife, Lai Peng. Hehehe. Don\'t forget to introduce me later, okay?" Clark said to his faithful servant.

The surprise did not even stop at that because Old Peng has already kids of his own and grandchildren running around in the sect.

Our bored gamer has of course known this fact since he entered the room.

\'It seems like my old servant is indeed a fast shooter.\' Clark thought happily.

"Of course, Young Master. My wives would be delighted to hear that." Old Peng replied.

"BANG!" This announcement was skin to an explosion in our bored gamer\'s ears. This was one of the information that he basically filtered from his search.

"Just how many wives are we talking about, Lai Peng?" Clark could not help but ask.

"Well... Just a few, master. About ..." Old Peng answered that made our good gamer speechless for a long long while.

* * *

The feast between friends, families, and enemies began and ended loud on one corner and on another, an aloof atmosphere pervaded in the scene.

Luckily enough, the celebration was still a success. The years may be bitter and long but true feelings still stayed genuine in the end.

Clark really enjoyed his time together with the women in his life.

\'And i bet it would only get wilder tonight.\' Our bored gamer smiled and looked forward to the events after the night had set for everyone.

The group talked and shared experiences for an entire day before the most awaited hour has finally come upon all.

"Evil Spawn. I think it\'s high time for us to talk." One of the unknown women on Lin Che\'s side uttered in a hard voice.

They were the only ones remaining as the rest had already exited the room beforehand.

"You Primal Wardens really sound exactly the same." Clark shook his head as he surveyed the trio of ladies that could no doubt launch a thousand ships for battle.

Lin Che and her sisters were really the peak of beauty that was beyond any mortal could achieve in this xianxia world.

They had an unfair edge of course since they were from the Divine Realm in the first place.

"We want you to release our sister, Stinky Fiend!" The second unknown Primal Warden exploded in rage.

"I see. Since you have already waited for one hundred years for me to go out, I\'m sure that you can wait at least a day before we argue some more.

Let us talk about it in the morning then because right now, I have women that I need to please." Clark grinned and left without another word.

"You Ev..." One of the women wanted to strike at our very own protagonist\'s back but a hand held her in place.

"Don\'t, sister. You will only suffer the same fate I did. He is a tricky Fou..." Lin Che said and it was her turn to pause her words.

"Hmmm..." A sweet moan escaped her lips for a short moment before it was gone in the next instant.

"I understand, sister. Tomorrow then."

* * *

In that night, Clark visited the abode of 4 women and on 4 different occasions, he took his women to the apex of pleasure over and over again.

"I thought that you had abandoned me! I tried to look for you but your doors never opened for me at all! Am I just a toy for you? Is that it?

You have taken my body once and you have grown tired of me that easily. Tell me that y..." Gu Wenren fumed in anger.

"Hmmm..." But she was silenced with a deep kiss and so much more happened thereafter.

* * *


"It seems like you have truly missed me over the years, Wan Fei." Clark teased as the nectar of love flowed like a river into the vast seas. Unstoppable and rich with force in their coming.

"Take me now, Clark. I can\'t wait anymore. I\'ve waited for one hundred years already. Make me yours once more!"

* * *

"CLARK! FUCK ME HARD PLEASE!" Lian Li screamed in lust.

* * *

In another room.

"Clark..." Lian Ah was much sweeter and gentler than her sister Lian Li ever could.

Although she was reserved on the outside but inside, she could have melted even the toughest metal in her steaming cauldron of love.

* * *

When morning came, our bored gamer had only one complaint.

"FUCK ME! Doing them one by one can be tiring. I need to find a way to make them all sleep together with me all at the same time!"

Clark vowed and thought of creative ways to pursue this epic quest into completion.

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