
Chapter 144 144

Chapter 144 Chapter 144

"Ahhhh... This will be a memorable day for me indeed." Clark smiled openly to greet the day with such a positive attitude in tow.

Today, he would meet his dearly missed fiancee from more than one hundred years prior and our bored gamer has only the best expectations in mind in how the event would unfold before his eyes.

He could of course twist time in order to foresee what would be the likely outcome of his quest of love but in the end, he killed any such curiosity before it could even take root in his heart and mind.

It would be a very dull life after all if he could already fathom every little detail and information about his life.

\'And the future is also not fixed to begin with.\' Clark added these thoughts in mind as he had already deduced his death since the moment that he got nigh omnipotent powers last night.

And true enough to his query, he could see many different scenarios of having him dead in a myriad of creative ways.

There was him getting burned to a crisp under a Heavenly Punishment from the skies and him being eaten alive by millions of ugly monsters that was crazy for a taste of his blood and flesh.

One of the trillions of possibilities to his death involve a very determined woman from faraway lands. Clark knew that only one of these things would indeed come to pass but not all of them.

An immortal like him can only have one True Death after all.

"And here comes my dear faithful guards." Clark muttered as he stood to await a few more breaths on his spot.

It did not take long for two quick shadows to arrive on the scene with pretty distinct expressions on their faces.

One was wearing his signature kind smile while the other sported his usual scowl at our good gamer.

Both were old men already but age was certainly not a factor to question these men\'s strength and experience.

The bright red indication over their heads was quite a clear sign that these two brothers had indeed lived their lives in a very grand manner.

Alas, Clark was not in the mood to promote justice in this very early morn.

As long as Elder Feng Lin and Elder Feng Ren did not overstep their stations under his eyes then our bored gamer would also turn a blind eye to their past misdeeds.

Clark knew for a fact that he was far from being the perfect man that he envisioned himself to be.

"What\'s the rush Uncle Lin and Uncle Ren? I hope that my appearance right now has not disturbed some of your guilty pleasures today."

Clark teased with a knowing grin of his face. He turned to the angry looking old goat and added...

"How much did you win, Elder Ren?" Our boy protagonist smiled even more as he played the two brothers on his hands like a never ending fidget spinner.

"You..." Elder Feng Ren lost himself for one breath and almost smiled towards the direction of our bored gamer.

Luckily enough, he caught himself on time but not before its familiar curve touched his lips for a minuscule second.

The short tempered Elder would have exploded right then and there but not before a timely interruption by our good gamer once again.

"Where are the rest of my family? I\'m starving and I could eat a whole phoenix. Bones, flesh and feathers in one big gulp. Hmmm... Oh yes, there they are!"

Clark exclaimed and left only dust and smoke in his wake. The two old goats could only stand there in the end and had no other choice but to follow like tamed dogs behind their master.

They knew that they could not do anything that would make Young Master Clark be disenchanted with his stay here in the Demonic Sword Sect and so the Twin Swords could only suck it up for now.

Our bored gamer arrived at a large dining hall and he could see that almost all of his people were already here save for the sisters Lian Li and Lian Ah that was still nowhere to be seen at this moment.

"The food is ready, Clark. Shall we eat?" A melodious voice asked that prompted all eyes at this speaker.

This wise lady knew that our avid gamer loved to wake up late in the day and so she personally prepared all our bored gamer\'s favorite dishes.

With the help of the maidservants Lian Li and Lian Ah of course.

"Hmmm..." Clark took a deep breath as he looked happily at the exquisitely arrayed food on the table. Overabundance was an understatement to refer to the prepared delicacies on his front.

A small feast was a better term to call this high noon meal today but Clark was not one to be ungrateful to the efforts of others on him.

He nodded and smiled freely at the combined care of Lai Peng, Wan Fei, Ning Xi and the rest.

"Very well. Let\'s eat." Clark sat down on the table and it did not take one minute for his plate to be filled with the ample attention that he received from Wan Fei alone.

"Taste this Winter Taurens meat, Clark. The master chefs in the Demonic Sword Sect have only the greatest praises for this k..."

The Queen of Haran served our bored gamer like the only King of her existence.

On the side, the brothers Elder Feng Lin and Elder Feng Ren could only keep quiet as this humble feast amongst friends and families began in full.

\'The little fucker did not even invite us!\' Feng Ren fumed and sent this same message via spiritual sense unto his kind brother.

This old man knew that all of this produce on the table was from the best meat from magical beasts on the sect\'s supply.

Just eating this would provide a huge boost in cultivation as it has many benefits like strengthening one\'s body aside from of course the huge spiritual energy to be had from merely devouring them all up in one sitting.

\'And to think that guests of the sect... no, slaves and bitches in fact were the ones who profited from the sect\'s resources! This is nothing but a waste!\'

Feng Ren roared within but kept his features safely passive on the outside.

Perhaps the only one who could hear him right now was the old man beside him which took the full brunt of Elder Feng Ren\'s discontent.

\'Let it be, brother. We have our orders. Or do you want to deny the wishes of Elder Tan Hai?\'

Feng Lin returned with a single question through his spiritual sense also.

But the mere mention of Elder Tan Hai\'s name stopped any more discontent from the mouth of his brother Feng Ren.

Other than that, they only stood there as silent witness slash guardsmen to the busy six souls that emptied the table out with trivial talks and more trivial laughter.

* * *

"Young Master Clark, since you have done eating your breakfast and lunch in one large meal, i think it is time for you to do your daily tr..."

Feng Lin\'s soft voice was clearly carried in the dining hall. Sadly, he could not finish his words before he was cut short by our very own bored gamer.

"Let\'s delay that for now, Uncle Lin. Training can wait for another time but not what i wanted to see for today\'s main event." Clark said and had a very inscrutable smile on his face.

The party that he took together with him on this quest heard him and fully understood the implication of his words.

Elder Feng Ren has no idea whatsoever of what Young Master Clark meant but that did not follow that he had no biased conclusions in mind already.

\'This stupid boy is thinking by using his dumb cock again!\' Elder Feng Ren assumed and if truth was to be told, he was indeed not mistaken in this case.

* * *

Somewhere inside the Inner Disciple\'s Court, a beautiful lady was busy practicing her craft.

Sweat and concentration abounded on her perfect features as she waved a wooden sword into the air.

She would dance in the sky and descend into the ground with but flickering afterimages to follow her trail.

Her long silvery hair would flow along her movements and it has only added further detail unto the epic form of femininity that she embodied at the moment.

There was no doubt that she would have continued for several hours today even under the extreme heat of the sun overhead.

Unfortunately for her, an unexpected summon has called a halt to what she had planned for this day\'s routine and training.

"Big Sister Xinyue, the Head Mistress wants to see you in the Training Hall. I hear that you have a visitor that wants to see you. Hmmm...

Do you have a friend that you are expecting today, Big Sis?" A female voice queried.

"A friend, huh? I have already killed all my friends, Ze Min. But let\'s take a look at who this friend is." This woman was of course none other than Tang Xinyue herself.

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