
Chapter 395 Finding The Lost Memories

"AHHHHHH!" The purging light assaulted the body of Oblivion. Unlike his former form, this one was his real body!

The purging light attacked Oblivion, who began to fade away.

The light flashed out and had so much power that the strange realm began to collapse. At that moment, Kyros and the group began to be pulled back out as they held on to Kyros and brought them out of the dark void.

Listrel and Mechiel opened their eyes and jumped out as they turned back to Kyros.

"[Blood Heal]!" Mechiel instantly cast her magic.

"[Holy Heal]!" Listrel did the same.

Kyros\'s bloodied form acquired two forms of healing which affected both sides of his body, and it began to heal.

Time Stop was still activated, and Kyros\'s blood did not flow out as it did.

"What happened?!"

"A fallen who Kyros called Oblivion attacked! He is the opposite of Histerion, the god of history!"

"The Fallen that is the opposite of History? One that destroys history?"

"One... that makes history forgotten," Kyros spoke as he slowly raised his body.

"Kyros! Your awake!"

"You saved me, Calaminus." Kyros smiled.

"Time Stop affected him?"

"Calaminus used [Time Stop] on me. And using Time Stop on me had affected this enemy connected to me in the soul when he attacked me... Calaminus knew that since I have Time Surge. So stopping time won\'t work on me but affect whatever parasite is attacking us. If I weren\'t stabbed, [Time Stop] wouldn\'t have worked on him."

"So that\'s why you didn\'t make me sever those tentacles!"

"He was a dangerous foe! Possibly the hardest foe I have ever fought. His ability to make me forget rendered my abilities useless! Had it not been for Time Stop, we would have died!"

The group was shocked when they heard this. Kyros was finally admitting that he fought an enemy he was threatened of!

"A Fallen like that... I don\'t think I would ever remember it. It\'s probably his power to be like that."

"His name is Lanthanou." An old man answered as he stood nearby.

Mechiel and Listrel jumped to their fighting position as they saw the form of Histerion standing next to them.

"Relax. His body is weak. It\'s like he\'s an average old man who never cultivated his entire life. Lanthanou, huh?" Kyros pondered.

"What?" Mechiel asked as if she couldn\'t hear what Kyros said.

"Lanthanou." Kyros repeated.

"His name is... What was it again?" Listrel asked.

Kyros had a peculiar expression.

"His name is Lanthanou." Calaminus repeated.

"I can\'t understand what your saying." Mechiel scratched her head.

"His name is what?" Mechiel asked again.

"Lanthanou." Kyros articulated.

"His name is who?" Listrel asked.


"His name is Chicka Chika Slim Shady." Calaminus spoke.

"Chika Chika Slim Shady..." Mechiel and Listrel repeated the name.

"No! Don\'t listen to him! That\'s not Lanthanou\'s name. It\'s no use. The both of you can\'t remember it. I can probably hear and remember because of Mysterion and Calaminus since he is the god of time. So don\'t bother trying to remember his name. Let\'s just call him Oblivion. Now, I suppose there is a purpose to you telling us this, Histerion."

"Yes. You managed to defeat Lanthanou. Quite an impressive feat. As you have deduced, he is the Fallen that cause the world to forget. Every second becomes fleeting. Every experience fades. Every emotion ends. Such is his power. And honestly, he\'s the one Fallen I don\'t want to fight."

"Is he stronger than Beginning and End?"

"Well, we both are. We are beings outside Beginning and End. So it only makes sense for us to be stronger. But honestly, our powers are very limited. Unlike the others gods and fallen who were birthed and can change and take actions to change reality, he and I are set. Just like Beginning and End."

"I thank you for that information. I now know more about the gods and fallen. But why are you here?"

"As of now, Lanthanou and I are working together because of you. Your little ally has managed to recall memories that were supposed to be forgotten, and of course, you all are here to be purged. The Code was supposed to be purged, and the memory along with it. But now, it has an owner. Yet, while we work together, my agenda is simple. I just wish to purge this world. If you manage to save the Planesworld or residents and somehow return to the Recorded Pages, I don\'t really mind. But Lanthanou hates you."

"He hates me? So it\'s personal?"

"Yes. Very personal. He is a being that causes everything to forget, but your last attack has been recorded in my Book."

"Book of History?"

"It\'s a record of everything that has happened, highlighting its most important moments. I was forced to record your battle with him in the Recorded Pages. Because for the first time, Lanthanou has been wounded!"


"Meaning, he will always... remember it!" Histerion laughed.

"This is a time that shouldn\'t even exist now. Calaminus has created an alternate world with his power, but it is set to be purged. This place is another realm that not even Beginning or End can go to. Whatever happens here cannot happen or impact that other world! But now... it just did!" Histerion smiled.

Kyros was amazed.

"Is that related to how I can move to the real timeline?"

"Yes. You have to do something to force me to write it. If you manage to do that and force me to write something in the Recorded Pages that pertains to this world, it will create a ripple. A link that will connect the two. And if that happens, I can\'t purge that which connects to the Recorded Pages. Just like how Lanthanou can\'t forget what is written in the Recorded Pages."

Kyros glanced at his team.

"We have found a way out!"

"Greater God Histerion. Why are you telling us this?"

"Because of Mysterion. When Calaminus used [Time Stop] I could sense Kyros linked with Lanthanou. This is not possible. A mere god or fallen cannot connect with Lanthanou. But Mysterion could! I was amazed. Your power truly is amazing. So while I will still try to kill you in battle, as is my duty to burn all history that should not be, I am offering you a deal. I will help you and spare the Planesworld in this fallen world. Of course, to do that, you have to link it to the Recorded Pages."

"But what will I do to link it?"

"If you survive my coming tribulations, and face the full wrath of both Lanthanou and me, help me remember what Lanthanou is making me forget."

"Help you remember?" Mechiel was confused.

"Of course! If Lanthanou remembers something because Histerion recorded it...! That means there could be something that Lanthanou is making Histerion forget!" Calaminus exclaimed.

"Exactly. I don\'t dare underestimate Lanthanou. There could be something that he is making me forget! If Mysterion can link with Lanthanou..."

"Then I can \'uncover\' what was hidden," Kyros answered.

"Yes. Doing so will force me to record the scenario."

"A god that records all of history has actually forgotten something... And that was rectified! That makes sense! That scenario will make a ripple all over the realities!" Listrel understood.

"Exactly! It looks like the answer for us to return home will present itself. But you said you would preserve the Planesworld? How? And Why? Isn\'t this place doomed for destruction?"

"What I\'m telling you to do, is not a way. It\'s perhaps the only way! If you succeed, and I remember, I will be forced to add the locality of where the battle transpired in this Unrecorded Pages. You see, if there occurs a link between the two pages, I can purge everything except anything related to this link."

"So, in this case... if you add that I managed to make you remember something in the Planesworld... specifically, a certain location, it will have to be... preserved?" Kyros guessed.

"Yes! That is exactly the reaction. I cannot purge the Planesword because if I do, it will destroy the link to it! And when I list the very location where I remembered, it will create the link that can break through the realms, and you can travel to the other world through that. But it\'s a one-way trip! And everyone that you want to go over to the next world should be near the location where I am to be transported to the other world." Histerion explained.

"That\'s good. This helps us now have a goal!" Kyros smiled.

"Of course, I am just being too hopeful. I will still move to kill you."

"I know. You didn\'t become \'my ally\'. You just gave me away. Because if you helped me, Lanthanou would remember you as well, and both of us will be his enemy."

"Correct. And that will only lead to constant strife between us. So I am only telling you what you can do. But other than that, I will try to purge you!"

And just like that, Histerion\'s human form vanished as it turned into brimstone and fell to the floor.

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